Tuesday, May 31, 2005

More Musings

I'm going to phone Discovery again tomorrow. (Or later today). I'd like to see if they're still saying that the card's on it's way. I've been thinking about this though. I wonder if they actually PAID for the Credit Reports that they pulled on me? Or if they were free credit reports. The reason I ask is, hopefully they didn't pay to make up a code. Sometimes I just feel bad for them. THen I think that it's actually me sitting here, waiting for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

Do yourself a favour. type the following in Google's search engine (or just click the link below):

"debt 'credit card' site:*.blogspot.com"

This will show you a TON of Blogger blogs on how people are trying to get rid of Credit Cards and all manners of related debt problems. They are suggesting all sorts of things like consolidating debt, announcing free credit reports and using them to analyse the problems, even going so far as to go for credit counselling to help with your debt management.

If anything, I urge you to read this article about how this generation is becoming know as the generation of debt. Could it just relate to americans? At the moment, probably, but as with everything, it will filter down. Check out our obesity problem now hitting South Africa.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Musings - Part 3

Once again you might ask: "Why write this on the internet?"

Personally, I don't think it should take this long to get a Credit Card. And I heard an ad on the radio by the CEO of the company asking users to take advantage of this product. My question is: "If the company is struggling with the applications as it is, why try and get MORE business? Sort out your current issues first." Or, am I the only issue?

And what about all this inconvenience?

Well, I know that Discovery themselves won't DO anything for me to make me happy. They told me as much. So, all I want is to share my story. I'm a little guy with a voice (or, at the very least, a keyboard), and I'm standing on my box in "Speaker's Corner" on the internet, and venting my frustrations.

This is all I can do, because who will I spite by refusing this card when (IF) I get it? I already make good use of Discovery's other products through their Vitality programme.

I am not writing this to discourage anyone from getting this card. All I would like is for people to read what I've written, and maybe leave a comment.

I will definitely keep the cyberworld updated on my progress. Wish me luck.

Week 29 - May 2005 - Part 2

I phoned Discovery again today. Let's see if I can get everything written in one post. Just to let you know, the total length of this call was around 10 - 15 minutes.

Me - "Hi, I had an upgrade approved and it should be shipping out now. Do you know where it is?"
HDJ 1 - "Let me check........ Please hold, you're going through to Customer Service"

...music... ...ads... ...music...

Me - "Hi, I had an upgrade approved and it should be shipping out now. Do you know where it is?"
HDJ2 - "Aaah, I see you're upgrade was approved."

Me - "Yes it was...?!?"
HDJ2 - "And your limits were increased."

Me - "Yes they were..." (I'm still breathing deeply!)
HDJ2 - "Ok, that means it's going to be delivered. Let me put you through to delivery."

...music... ...ads... ...music...

Me - "Hi, I had an upgrade approved and it should be shipping out now. Do you know where it is?"
HDJ3 - "Ok, let me look......... But you got your card in December."

Me - "Yes. The wrong card....... but that's a long story that I don't want to get into right now. Where's my new card?"
HDJ3 - "Ok, please hold, let me check..."

...music... ...ads... ...music... ...ads... ...music... ...ads... ...music...

HDJ4 - "Hello, servicing department.."

<...repeat HDJ2's dialogue above (except for the transfer)...>

HDJ4 - "Ok, there is a bit of a back log at the moment, but the cards are being processed. I can't give you a specific date, but the cards should be with the delivery company, and you should receive the card in the next 2 to 3 weeks..."

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Week 29 - May 2005 - Part 1

Well, it finally happened. No, no, no, don't get your hopes up, I didn't get a Credit Card...

I went to fill up with petrol, and with the Oil price and our slipping currency (an' all an' all), I paid the most I've ever paid for a full tank. The petrol attendant came back with the dreaded news:

"Sorry, but your card was denied."

Lovely. NOT embarrassing at all!!! Thank goodness it looked like he was used to situations like this. He told me how to use a Debit Card, bless his heart. But no, not the lovely Discovey Debit Card. That has been cut up for something like 29 weeks now. Wouldn't want anybody abusing it now, would we?

Musings - Part 2

Well, I guess it's near the end of May now. It's taken a while to write the story so far, and yet there seems to be more. If you've read this far, well done. I'd just like to outline a few things I've learnt from all this.

1 - Is Discovery a bad company?
No, I wouldn't say so. It just looks like they don't really know how to handle new processes very well. Let's just say I think they'd qualify as a CMMi Level 1 company.

2 - Is it easy to get a Credit Card?
No. Unless you spend a LOT of money and owe people money, it would seem. I'm not saying you're completely in debt, though. I think it's a case of owing a lot of money, but still making the correct "minimum payments" required. Then you're a good payer, and you can get a credit card. But apparently you can't be a good payer if you don't owe money. One of life's little hiccups.

3 - Are all Help Desk Jockeys bad?
No. I am just SO glad I am not one. Imagine having to deal with clients/customers like me when your company offers you no support...

Week 25 - April 2005

Hey. GUESS WHAT!?! My card was approved. I guess I have HDJ 2 to thank for that. So when will my card arrive?

"I'm afraid there's been a delay with the cards. They will only come out near the end of May."

Week 24 - April 2005 - Part 5

HDJ 2 finally phoned me back. She said that she was trying to find out exactly why my card was rejected. You see, she was thinking along the same lines that I have. There were 2 possibilities for my card being rejected:

1 - I had outstanding debt --> This was proved to be false, because I don't have a credit profile.
2 - I don't have a credit profile --> Ok, I have a car that a bank decided to give me money for. I have a house that the bank decided to give me money for. I don't have any accounts anywhere because I don't like owing money. If I want a shirt, I draw the money, and buy the shirt. Fine. They don't know if I spend money well or not? But I sent them my financial details, and to me, putting 1 + 1 together should give you 2. It gave SOMEBODY here -100.

So, HDJ 2 would like to find out what's happened, and why the Bank/Discovery won't approve my willingness to give them money. She'll phone me tomorrow...

Week 24 - April 2005 - Part 4

Back to the Helpdesk Jockeys. LOVELY. I phoned quite a few times this week, so let me sumarise.

HDJ 1 - I told him that I was tired of trying to find out why the card was rejected. ESPECIALLY since I was dealing with Discovery directly, so Discovery should be telling ME why it was rejected. NOT make me go hunting for the reason. So HDJ 1 said that he would try and find out what a T100 code was. He would phone me back the next morning.


HDJ 2 - After waiting until the next afternoon for the phone call that never came, I phoned again. HDJ 2 said that I couldn't speak to HDJ 1 (obviously). Nicely enough, she volunteered to try and see what people (like the Finance Dept.) were saying about code T100. She would phone me back in the morning.


HDJ 3 - Sorry, you can't speak to HDJ 1 or HDJ 2, but the system said that HDJ 1 has sent a letter as to why the card was rejected. Expect it in the post any day.

Lovely, on top of all this, the company also uses snail mail (which, by the way, still hasn't arrived, 1 month later).

Week 24 - April 2005 - Part 3

So, the phone call to ITC. And for those who don't know, ITC is a company that keeps details on your credit profile. This includes when, where and how often you have applied for credit.

Anyway, the phone call kind of goes like this:

"Hi. I believe I have outstanding debt. Could you tell me what a code T100 means?"
"I'm sorry, what is a T100?"
"I have no idea. I was told it was an ITC code and it means I owe somebody money."
"Well I've never heard of this code."
"What are your details and I will check your profile..."
"blah blah blah..."
"Sorry, there are no details for your name in our system."

So, for the second time in 5 months I have proved to myself, and OBVIOUSLY, to myself ALONE that I do not have a bad credit profile. Forget bad credit profile, how about NO profile whatsoever. This might not be the best of things either though. Read the next post to find out why.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Week 24 - April 2005 - Part 2

"Hi. I'd like to know when my Credit Card will be delivered. I was told it will be delivered at the end of April"

"I'm afraid it looks like your card was declined"


"Could you tell me why it was declined?"

"Yes. It looks like there is an ITC code 'T100'. It must mean you have debt outstanding or you've had a problem paying another credit card. You will have to phone ITC to find out what the judgement against you is."


Week 24 - April 2005 - Part 1

Right. Finally it's nearing my Credit Card time. I can just feel it. Phone the other company, say "Sorry, I don't need your card". But first, let's do a little follow up.

I'm calm.

I can breathe.

I'm not shaking. Much. Do I HAVE to feel nervous phoning these people. I mean, what could POSSIBLY go wrong now?

Week 20 - March 2005

As with last month, I'd just LOVE to know exactly how things are going. So, let's do the phone call thing again.

"I'm sorry sir. But there's been a slight delay. The cards will only be ready at the end of April"

OH... MY... WORD!!!!!! And the problem is?

"I'm afraid I don't know."

So, I've been messed around for 4 months, rejected, and made to wait a little longer each time. I'm starting to feel like I'm in a VERY badly written thriller movie, or at the VERY least, a badly written thriller blog!!! What can this company do to make me happy?

"I'm sorry sir, I've spoken to my supervisor, and I can only offer you our apologies"


Week 15 - Feb 2005

We all know how well this fantastic process is going, so let's just do a check on things.

"Um, sorry sir, but I can see that your request has been processed. But the cards are only going to be available at the end of March".

That's fine with me. I can wait until the End of March. They don't know whether it's been approved just yet, but it has been processed.

Week 10 - Jan 2005 - Part 3

Aaahh, I phoned again, and they found my Fax. It looks like things are starting to move along now.

Unfortunately, there seems to have been a large number of upgrades. So, there's ANOTHER backlog. But don't worry, they will process my request and once the card has been approved, I should receive it by the end of March.

"Very sorry for the inconvenience"

Monday, May 16, 2005

Musings - Part 1

Here's a little private Q&A Session

"WHY are you still doing this???"
Well, I know I qualify for this card. I'd really like to see how long it will take to get it. And, of course, there's the matter of the NOW EXPIRED Garage Card on my other account.

"So, why the stressing out?"
That's because I feel powerless at the hands of such utter incompetence. I am tired of asking for something, and because I mean nothing to the people/company, why bother with some decent service...?

You also have to realise, I know 5 people who applied for this card. ONE person managed to receive the correct card. 2 people received the Electron Card, 1 received the correct card, but with incorrect personal details on the card. And the 5th person was lucky enough not to have been given anything. No explanation necessary.

Week 10 - Jan 2005 - Part 2

I phone the Helpdesk. Sorry, I can't talk to yesterday's HDJ. But surely this new person can help me.

SURE, you can tell me if you're received my fax request for a Credit Card upgrade.

"Will that be a limit upgrade?"

No, that'll be the CARD I ORIGINALLY REQUESTED! please.

I must learn to relax. It's only a credit card. Once again, why get upset with an HDJ. They can't do anything, can they?They answer the phones and check the system to see what it says.

All I can say is, THANK GOODNESS my garage may have expired, but I can carry on using it until I pick up my new one.

Week 10 - Jan 2005 - Part 1


Ok, that's long enough. Let's phone the lovely people and find out how my card's coming.

The Help Desk Jockey (HDJ) tells me they don't have an application form for me. I must have sent it to the wrong fax. But if I just send it to him he'll get it processed straight away.


Well, what can I do. Heck, what can HE do. He's just an HDJ. So, I resend the required documents and copies. Different fax number. I can tell because I have the Fax Report from the first fax. He'll phone me to tell me he's received it.


Ok, he hasn't phoned yet. I'll phone tomorrow. I don't like phones, and these people are starting to get to me.

Week 6 - Dec 2004 - Part 2

Ok. I've taken a day to calm down. I needed it. To be told I'm a bad payer is not a nice thing.

- Phone Discovery again. I would really like to know why my card was rejected.
- Finally, a person answers the phone who knows how to talk to customers.
  • Discovery was not aware that the bank would just reject applications if there were no details on the customer
  • Discovery was looking into the matter, but if I can just send them my salary slip and an upgrade application they would get this sorted out ASAP.
Nice chap. Sent me the form straight away. I filled it out and faxed it back the next day. I'll let them get at it. Holiday period coming up and all.

Week 6 - Dec 2004 - Part 1

Finally! I've received my card. Isn't this exciting. Let's go spend some money.... ;o)

Hang on a second. This card is not Gold. AND it says Electron Card. What on EARTH is an Electron Card?

- Log onto Discovery. Hmmm... A Debit Card. I need to put money on the card before I can use it apparently.
- Phone Discovery and say that I've received the wrong card. The "nice" lady on the other side says this means I have outstanding debt or a bad credit rating. I must phone ITC to find out where I owe money.

Lovely job so far. They can take applications, but they can't tell me why my Credit Card has been rejected.

- Phone ITC. Ok, they've never heard of me. I have no profile on their system. Well, I shouldn't have. I don't like owing people money.

Week 4 - Nov 2004

Hmmm... 5 days is turning into 5 weeks. Not cool. I phone the helpdesk again, and this time I'm informed that there's a problem with the delivery company. There are 40,000 cards to be delivered and they've had to get rid of the delivery company. But don't worry, they've hired 3 new delivery companies to help out. I'll get my card in a couple of days.

I really hope I get this card soon, because my other petrol card is expiring in January, and I won't have to bother renewing it. But hey, why worry, that's a whole MONTH away.

Aaah, silly me...

Week 3 - Nov 2004

Ok, now I'm excited. The card is overdue by a few days, so I phone to find out where it is. I'm informed that there is a bit of a delay with the processing and delivery, but not to worry, my card has been approved, it will be delivered shortly. I really don't mind as it's a new product and I'm sure they were flooded with applications.

Where it all began - Week 1 - Nov 2004

I was excited to see an e-mail in my Inbox inviting me to apply for the new Discovery Card, which would be delivered in only 5 working days. I had been waiting for this card for a couple of months since I'd first heard about it, and finally Discovery were releasing it. I thought it was a genius product. All I had to do was reply to the mail and a consultant would contact me regarding applying for this card. That was easy enough.

2 days later, I was phoned, as promised, and I applied for the card. A Gold Card. I was about to grow up... Of course, the consultant once again informed me about the waiting period of 5 working days. That was COMPLETELY fine with me.

A bit of a background

The Discovery Card is a credit card that is offered by Discovery, a Medical Aid company in South Africa. It's really quite an ingenious product, being both a Medical Aid member's card AND a Credit Card.

It has been claimed by Discovery that all you have to do to receive this card is contact a consultant, and, subject to certain conditions, apply for the card.

Once you have applied for this credit card, if you pass the initial requirements, they will send you a card. All of this will take around 5 working days.

Now, what are the conditions? Depending on your income, you can receive different types of cards. For example:
  • a Debit Card (For anybody)
  • a Silver Credit Card
    According to Discovery, any member can apply for this version of the DiscoveryCard.
  • a Gold Credit Card
    According to Discovery, you can get a Gold Card if you earn more than R140 000 per year.
  • a Platinum Credit Card
    According to Discovery, you can get a Platinum Card if you earn more than R350 000 a year
On top of your salary, your credit rating will also be analysed.

Ok, enough intro, let me tell you about how I've tried to obtain this fantastic card. This blog will help you discover credit card secrets and discover credit card pains... I hope you enjoy the read.