Thursday, November 17, 2005

Discover Credit Card Tips

Well, now that I have the credit card, and I'm making all these cool savings with it, I thought I could give you just ONE tip (at a time?) on how to make the same sort of saving. That is:


Why am I now promoting debt? I'm not really. I don't believe in it at all. (Read my previous posts on how this has caused some issues). But, what I do is put money onto the credit card at the beginning of the month, and use what I have on there. If I need more, I'll transfer some more onto the credit card. You'll discover credit card uses that make life easier such as:

1 - Interest on Credit Balances on the credit card are actually more than my "savings account".
2 - I pay for 1 transaction - transferring of the money. I don't pay per credit card transaction
3 - I don't have to keep drawing money. Related to #2, but also a matter of convenience.

Anyway, maybe more of these ideas will come later. Enjoy.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

A few Punts

Well, now that everything seems to be finished regarding this rant and rave, I thought I'd like to mention a thing or 2 that have made this interesting.

1 - It's been interesting to see what ads people are clicking from the AdSense ads on this page. Setting up AdSense was really simple, and personally, I thought Google would say no to my request to sign up. But, considering how popular blogging is, and how many people might stumble upon this site, it seems pretty worth it. I'm not quite making enough to pay off the house, but it's fun to dream none the less...

2 - Somehow, this site has made it onto the 1st page on "" when searching for "Discovery Credit Card" or just plain old "Discovery Card"... How it's done that I'm not sure. If that's how you've come to be here (and you've actually read more than 2 sentences), welcome. I hope there's a nice link on this page for you to exit with...

Which brings me to:

3 - The Site Meter, or Site Statistics, Hit Counter, heck, I don't know what you'd call it, but the little piece of code you put on the web page that counts how many people have come to your webpage... Anyway, I'd like to recommend "". The reports that this website gives you are amazing. They also say where your visitors have "arrived from". And this is how I came to point number 1... I originally searched for a "Web site visitor counter" using google, and on another hit counter website, it linked to Active Meter. (I can't remember if it was through AdSense or not). I thought I'd give it a try, and this is SUCH a cool "product". Just give it a bash (and tell them I sent you :-) )...

It's been real. I'm sure I'll add a couple of comments over time. If I'm ever bored, and I don't have any other toys like a PlayStation or XBox, I'll be back here.

Til then, enjoy the read.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Week 52 - Status Update - SUCCESS

Well, I've had this card for about 3 months now. Yes, yes... Typical. Only write something when you have complaints. Well, considering it took so long to actually apply for a credit card, prove i have a good credit rating (or is that a debt rating???) and then get this card delivered free of charge and for free... (Is that "mahala" in Zulu?)

How did I manage to get the discovery credit card? I spoke to 2 different managers, who managed to personally organise the delivery of the card. What really bugged me previously is, no matter what I said, nobody would put me through to a manager who had any authority. These 2 managers were so good, I ALMOST got 2 GOLD Discovery Credit Cards.

Ok, enough complaining. Now I have the card, do I like it? Yes I do. And what do I like about the card:

1 - There are no fees for normal Credit Card Transactions
2 - When I used my card overseas, there were no issues or abnormal limits. But they did phone to confirm that it was me using the card. Just checking that there were no fraudulent transactions occuring
3 - The CashBack bonus. Because I am on gold status, I get up to 12% cashback from selected stores, like Woolworths
4 - The discovery miles that I have accumulated. I can also convert these discovery miles into Voyager Miles, and use them for standard Voyager Miles Transactions and discounts

Sometimes, I wonder if America had a card like the Discovery Credit Card... I'm sure it would be America's #1 Credit Card by now. It would probably be a LOT easier to apply for the credit card over there, because I think it's a standard in America to have a minimum of 3 credit cards......