Monday, May 16, 2005

Week 10 - Jan 2005 - Part 1


Ok, that's long enough. Let's phone the lovely people and find out how my card's coming.

The Help Desk Jockey (HDJ) tells me they don't have an application form for me. I must have sent it to the wrong fax. But if I just send it to him he'll get it processed straight away.


Well, what can I do. Heck, what can HE do. He's just an HDJ. So, I resend the required documents and copies. Different fax number. I can tell because I have the Fax Report from the first fax. He'll phone me to tell me he's received it.


Ok, he hasn't phoned yet. I'll phone tomorrow. I don't like phones, and these people are starting to get to me.

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